
Showing posts from June, 2023

Post 5: Changes to my study program

 Hi bloggers: Today's post has to do with your degree program.  In my personal experience as a university student, I would've liked to have some real teaching practice at schools from the very first years and not only during the last one when it was too late to make changes. So in my times, I would have completely changed the Faculty of Education study program. What about your degree/ program? I don't know much about it,. I would like to learn more about it. Could you tell me about it? Now you've got the chance to think about your study program and make all the changes you think could be made and why.  Talk about  the curriculum (the subjects you have to study),, w orkload and length of studies,, faculty  facilities (buildings and infrastructure),, us e of technology, te aching methods, etc. Word Count: 230  and don't forget to l eave comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts and also mine.